日本英文学会関東支部メールマガジン 臨時号 2025年2月23日
2025/02/23 (Sun) 17:38
臨時号 2025年2月23日
Symposium on "Utopia/Dystopia, Race, Nation" /「ユートピア/ディストピア、人種、国家」
Date: March 17-19, 2025 / 2025年3月17日~19日
Venue: Waseda University, Toyama Campus / 早稲田大学戸山キャンパス
Building 33, 3rd Floor, Room 33-331 / 33号館3階331教室
Language of event: English / 言語:英語(通訳なし)
Free and open to the public (no prior registration required) / 無料・一般公開(事前申込不要)
How can utopian thought help us understand the nationalistic uses of race/ethnicity in positive, negative, and other ways? Join students and faculty from Waseda University, Keio University, Kobe University, and the University of Tokyo, along with two special guests from the US-University of Florida’s Phillip E. Wegner (Imaginary Communities: Utopia, the Nation, and the Spatial Histories of Modernity, 2002; Invoking Hope: Theory and Utopia in Dark Times, 2020) and Rutgers University’s Alex Zamalin (Black Utopia: The History of an Idea from Black Nationalism to Afrofuturism, 2019; The Ends of Resistance: Making and Unmaking Democracy, 2024)-as we discuss the intersections of utopia, race/ethnicity, nation, gender/sexuality, social class, and more. Questions and comments from the audience are encouraged.
問合せ先: エドワード・チャン (edwardkchan@waseda.jp)/渡辺 愛子(aiko@waseda.jp)
臨時号 2025年2月23日
Symposium on "Utopia/Dystopia, Race, Nation" /「ユートピア/ディストピア、人種、国家」
Date: March 17-19, 2025 / 2025年3月17日~19日
Venue: Waseda University, Toyama Campus / 早稲田大学戸山キャンパス
Building 33, 3rd Floor, Room 33-331 / 33号館3階331教室
Language of event: English / 言語:英語(通訳なし)
Free and open to the public (no prior registration required) / 無料・一般公開(事前申込不要)
How can utopian thought help us understand the nationalistic uses of race/ethnicity in positive, negative, and other ways? Join students and faculty from Waseda University, Keio University, Kobe University, and the University of Tokyo, along with two special guests from the US-University of Florida’s Phillip E. Wegner (Imaginary Communities: Utopia, the Nation, and the Spatial Histories of Modernity, 2002; Invoking Hope: Theory and Utopia in Dark Times, 2020) and Rutgers University’s Alex Zamalin (Black Utopia: The History of an Idea from Black Nationalism to Afrofuturism, 2019; The Ends of Resistance: Making and Unmaking Democracy, 2024)-as we discuss the intersections of utopia, race/ethnicity, nation, gender/sexuality, social class, and more. Questions and comments from the audience are encouraged.
問合せ先: エドワード・チャン (edwardkchan@waseda.jp)/渡辺 愛子(aiko@waseda.jp)